So...I've neglectedt the blog just a bit in the last few months! I can say that I'm completely free of fault because we have had the CRAZIEST few months ever known to man, well probably not that crazy, k fine,I've just been a bit neglectful for no reason. But that all ends NOW! I'm officially back on the blogging wagon! Here's a quick recap of the last ___months...

I took my test in May to be an LPT(Limited Practical Tech, I passed(Hooray!), and I was lucky(and I mean very lucky)enough to get hired on at the hospital! So in addition to my 24 hours of clinicals every week, I will also be working 20-40 hours! Let the craziness begin! Albeit crazy, working those extra hours has given me sooooo much experience that I desperately needed!

How cute are these girls?! I am lucky enough to get to hang out with them 24/7 because they are also in the Radiography program! This is a picture of us at a conference in Las Vegas, good times were had by all! Dacia, Jessica, Nicole, Mary(our teacher/one of the nicest ladies in the whole world) and me.

Our friends MArki and SHane got marriend this summer. It was a beautiful wedding in her grandparents bakyard in Hurricane.

This is a family picture :)

As i mentioned in the previous post, we went to Lake ARrowhead for Kevin and WHits wedding...ANOTHER beautiful wedding

Devin got a great opportunity to play in a WORLDS softball tournament in Colorado! He loves softball and he has been putting a lot of time into this team practicing during the week and going to tournaments on the weekend so it was agreat reward for them to make it to this tournament. Here he is with his teammates and the ANgels cake I had made for their going-away present/carb load Haha

While DEvin has been playing softball, I've been trying to stay in shape by running, since the gym has been dropped to the absolute bottom of my priority list these days :( I've been running with Jessica, my friend from school. SHe is a running/workout machine so she keeps me motivated. This is us at the start of the SAVE A SISTER 10K run. Good news, I beat my last 10K time by minutes! OH ya!

As you all know THe Dalton's are HAlloween enthusiasts, and normally we go all out dressing up. This year we decided to do something different and check out Disneyland on Halloween. We brought along our BFF's the Holts and had a grand time...

In between all of this activity...I GRADUATED!!!! Devin had this delicious cake made for me as a surprise...

He is the BEST at thoughtful surprises. For my graduation weekend we had EVERYONE in town: Devin's parents and sister's family, my parents and grandparents, and my sister. Unfortunately I didn't take ANY pictures, but trust me, we had a great time!
Here is the only pictures we got, this is my whole(yes, ENTIRE) family on THanksgiving in Cedar City...

Another BIG thing happened during graduation...stay tumed to my next post!